Wow! Thank you @upfest - you've been amazing!!! What an incredible experience!
What a weekend - Such fantastic everything!!! Great weather, great people, amazing artists, great atmosphere, great DJ's, fabulous @upfest crew! What's not to like?
I met the greatest people and got to spray, paint and draw all weekend, predominately the sun. I was extremely happy with my board - it all came together beautifully. There's always a moment of concern when you're not quite convinced it's going to happen, which hit me on the Saturday, but was thankfully short lived and the neon palette bought the artwork alive!
I honestly adored every, single second (even the rainy, cold, exhaustion bits) and hope I get to do this again.
For those who are curious, I will be releasing prints of my final mural design. Watch this space!!!
Big love and thank you to everyone for coming to see me, for your likes, photos and support.

If you would like a mural for your home or have another project in mind, get in touch amyhutchingsprints@gmail.com Big love ❤ www.amyhutchings.co.uk
#upfest #upfest2022 #amyhutchings #amyhutchingsprints #streetartfestival #beautifulbristol #bristolstreetart #muralartist #underfallyard #bristollandmarks #urbanlandscape #abstractcolour #lineandcolour #linedrawing #descriptiveline #vibrantpalette #myfavouriteplaces #muralart #posca #kobraspraypaint #abstractcolour #descriptiveline #handdrawn #bristolcityscape #amyhutchingsemporium #bristolartist #underfallyardbristol #bristollocationportraits #patternandplace #upfestartist #femaleartist #femaleart