It's always amazing when someone approaches you to work on a project that is dear to your heart. @bristoltrinity got in touch to ask whether I would be interested in their community fundraiser to save Jacob's Wells Swimming Baths in Hotwells. As a teenager, I used to go here with friends, and when I moved back to Bristol as an adult, I took my children. (Fun fact: the original pool still exists under the sprung, dance studio floor!) The closing of this venue is a huge pity, but its condition is terrible. Please support the fundraiser to show that there is true community support for this space to be renovated and reopened! There are prints of my design available on the fundsurfer page for £10! The words incorporated into the pen and ink drawing were lifted from a public consultation about the building. Please buy one to show that this space is a loved and needed community asset. You can find the link via @bristoltrinity . The more people who invest at this stage will prove to the larger funding bodies that it's wanted and has public backing. Please give what you can - no donation is too small.
Here is the link to the Fund Surfer site Thank you!
. . . #jacobswellsbaths #hotwells #bristollandmarks #fundraiser #amyhutchings #amyhutchingsprints #bristol247 #communityfocused #communityasset #streetart #pasteups #pasteupstreetart #bristoltrinity #supportlocal #saveourspace