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News and Views

The fairy lights are up and the tree is pretty sparkly! It's that time, when my home is filled with the smell of pine needles and...

Centrally Drawn Show ends
What an amazing fortnight I had during my artist's residency at The Vestibules, Bristol City Hall. Here are a few photographs of some of...

Neon Glow
Today is the last day of my residency at The Vestibules. It has been the most inspirational space to be in. I have reacted to my...

I've Made a Film! Sketch Up YouTube is HERE!
The final, planned #sketchupfriday is upon us! As we are still unable to access the mansion, I have been back on site at the Arts Mansion...

A Bridge for Upfest
This weekend I should have been painting my first mural as part of @upfest , the street art festival. Sadly, it has had to be postponed,...

Sketching Hidden Corners
The final week of this block of Sketch Up Friday is upon us! The next block commences on Friday 12th June. Fingers crossed we may be able...

Music Room Musings
Week 2 of Remote Sketch Up Friday is this Friday!!! Thanks to those who participated last week. These photographs will remain available...

Sketch Up Friday Fun Imminent!
Explore little-seen rooms within Ashton Court Mansion, drawing it's dilapidation and sketching with friends you haven't met yet. The...

Doe a Deer and Other Imagery
A celebration of all things Ashton Court is happening on Saturday 28th September!!! To celebrate Bristol City Council purchasing the...

Save the Date! Celebratory Exhibition at Ashton Court Mansion
Save the date! On September 28th there will be an exhibition, open to all, at Ashton Court Mansion. This event celebrates the history of...
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